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  • Sagarra, N., & Abbuhl, R. (2013). Optimizing the noticing of recasts via computer-delivered feedback: Evidence that oral input enhancement and working memory help second language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 97, 196-216.
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  • Winke, P. (2013). An investigation into second language aptitude for advanced Chinese language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 97, 109-130.
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  • Rai, M. K., Loschky, L. C., Harris, R. K., Peck, N. R., & Cook, L. G. (2011). Effects of stress and working memory capacity on foreign language readers' inferential processing during comprehension. Language Learning, 61, 187-218.
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  • Trude, A. M., & Tokowicz, N. (2011). Negative transfer from Spanish and English to Portuguese pronunciation: The roles of inhibition and working memory. Language Learning, 61, 259-280.
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  • Caitlin E, C., & Annie,T. (2013). Proficiency and working memory based explanations for nonnative speakers' sensitivity to agreement in sentence processing. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(3), 615-646.
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  • Rusanganwa, Joseph. (2013). Multimedia as a means to enhance teaching technical vocabulary to physics undergraduates in Rwanda. English for Specific Purposes, 32, 36-44.
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  • Goo, J. (2012). Corrective feedback and working memory capacity in interaction-driven L2 learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 445-474.
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  • Martin, K. I., & Ellis, N. C. (2012). The roles of phonological short-term memory and working memory in L2 grammar and vocabulary learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 379-413.
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  • Andringa, S., Olsthoorn, N., van Beuningen, C., Schoonen, R., & Hulstijn, J. (2012). Determinants of success in native and non-native listening comprehension: An individual differences approach. Language Learning, 62(S2), 49-78.
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  • Mackey, A., & Sachs, R. (2012). Older learners in SLA research: A first look at working memory, feedback, and L2 development. Language Learning, 62(S2), 704-740.
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  • Xiang, H. D. (2012). The structural connectivity underpinning language aptitude, working memory, and IQ in the perisylvian language network. Language Learning, 62(S2), 110-130.
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  • Misyak, J. B., & Christiansen, M. H. (2012). Statistical learning and language: An individual differences study. Language Learning, 62, 302-331.
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  • Revesz, A. (2012). Working memory and the observed effectiveness of recasts on different L2 outcome measures. Language Learning, 62, 93-132.
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  • Van der Hoeven, N., & de Bot, K. (2012). Relearning in the elderly: Age-related effects on the size of savings. Language Learning, 62, 42-67.
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  • Trude, A. M., & Tokowicz, N. (2011). Negative transfer from Spanish and English to Portuguese pronunciation: The roles of inhibition and working memory. Language Learning, 61, 259-280.
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  • Biedron, A., & Szczepaniak, A. (2012). Working memory and short-term memory abilities in accomplished multilinguals. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 290-306.
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  • Alptekin, C., & Ercetin, G. (2011). Effects of working memory capacity and content familiarity on literal and inferential comprehension in L2 reading. TESOL Quarterly, 45(2), 235-266.
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